Evildesign Tattoo Studio, Norra Långgatan 7C, 392 32 Kalmar, Sverige
Opening times:
Weekdays 09.00 - 17.00,
Booked Saturdays 09.00 - 14.00
Safest time to visit the studio:
Weekdays at 08.00 - 11.00 or 12.30 - 16.00
Studio only works with bookings
and does not offer drop-in or piercing.
The studio takes payment directly with Swish or cash
after treatment.
When the afternoon's bookings are done, the artist may have closed the studio.
For bookings or questions, you can call or email the studio. You can of course fill in a message form above or visit the studio as well.
Be sure to explain to the artist how you want your tattoo. It facilitates booking and price estimation.
All emails are answered within 24 hours on weekdays. You can find answers to common questions here .